Monday, February 28, 2011

Monday Funday!!!

Today Jackie and I went to some really great restaurants in the area looking for possible date packages. It was good to get out there and let people know what's going on, however the rain didn't make either one of us to happy. We had a glitch in one of our flyer's but were able to fix it while we were out and about thanks to the West Hartford Library. We got some really great prospects and a lot of info passed out but still waiting for some solid responses. We will probably venture out again later this week to finish off our list. In the mean time I am going to send out some emails about the event to some people who are a little out of our reach to go visit. Hopefully we will get some positive responses and keep moving from there. I also finally heard back from one of our vendors about some price details we needed. So now Jackie and I can make a decision on what we want to order and get that also checked off our list. This morning I was also able to get our press release sent out ....... another item off the list but this date seems to be creeping up on us!!!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Has it really 10 days since my last post? My, time is flying by! Since I last posted an update, a lot has gone on. Adrienne and I compiled a list of potential date packages. Our ideas range from dinner dates, to mini golf outings, bowling, "day-cations", and even race car driving lessons! We hope to be able to get in contact with these companies within the next week so we can start lining up packages for the auction. All of the companies are from the local area, making it convenient for the winners of the date package to actually go on the date.
Along with the date packages, we've also been sending out application to potential bachelors and bachelorettes. We've been advertising our hunt for bachelors and bachelorettes on Facebook through our personal pages as well as Perfect Production and Fernando Fish's pages. We've also talked to friends and those we feel would be interested in the program and sent out applications to those interested.
Adrienne and I have also finally come up with an idea for the auction paddles! Originally we were thinking about making a bow tie or a pair of nerdy looking glasses to go along with the picture we chose for this year's event but eventually decided to stick with the date theme. For our design, we chose a white heart with a pair of red lips coming off one side with the number of the paddle on the other side. These paddles will be double sided so there's no need to worry about the numbers not being able to be seen during the auction. Adrienne and I decided we are going to make them as we go so we do not end up having to make a bunch of them as the big day approaches.
Also, we finally got the Perfect Benefit's website up and running! Check it out for more information about the auction as well as the upcoming kickball tournement. Happy Surfing!!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Auction Paddles.... Check !!!

Well Jackie and I put our brains together and came up with a great design for our auction paddles. We wanted to do this early because we have to make at least 100 of them. This way when we have some down time we can work on them between projects. Also our efforts with our Vegas themed party were not put to waste. We were able to use the decor we put together for a "Surprise" birthday party held at Zen Bar over the weekend. Jackie and I weren't able to make it because of some previous plans we had but heard the party was a good time had by all. I am still working on getting some more date packages and hopefully will be able to make some calls on Wednesday and get the ball rolling and hopefully get some great date packages. Still a bunch of details to finish up I am hoping to get some more information on food prices as well as some paper goods. Just another busy and productive day at perfect productions. Gotta get going on this I know before we know it the auction is gonna be here and Jackie and I both want everything in place so we can enjoy the event as much as everyone else will!!!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Busy, Busy, Busy!!!!

Well we are certainly getting our share of work lately! There is so much to do getting ready for the Bachelor/Bachelorette auction. We have been working on finding bachelors and bachelorettes and today Jackie and I had to start coming up with date packages to go along with the bachelors and bachelorettes. We came up with a really great list of of things to do and places to go. I am sure that the date packages are gonna go over really well. Starting on Monday Jackie and I are going on a road trip and we are gonna go collect us some donations to make this an awesome event. We are also looking for some great sponsors for our event. We really want to make our donation to the Petit Family Foundation the most important goal. Whenever I get frustrated I have to think that this is a great opportunity to give to an awesome charity and it makes it a little easier to push through all this work. There's a lot to do but I am sure the efforts will be worth it!!!!

We have also been working on a mock Vegas themed party. Coming up with center pieces and decorations that would make any Vegas goer feel right at home. We really personalized it which made it a little more time consuming but worth it! Besides its all about the details right!!!???

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

My, my time sure does fly! I'm already on my 4th week of my internship with Perfect Productions and it honestly feels like I just started a week ago. So far things are going great! Adrienne and I have just about finished all of the paperwork and the tedious parts of planning so we are about to start recruiting people for donations, sponsorships, and to be auctioned! We've already found a handful of people interested in being auctioned off but we would love to have more.

On Friday, I started going through last year's auction book and looked through the call log to see who they contacted last year about the auction. I was able to compile a decent sized list about possible date package donors. I also started getting more ideas about the type of companies we should look into for date packages. Now that the flyer is just about done as is the save the date, we can really start to promote the event. As of now, tickets are $35 if you buy them in advance and $40 if you buy them at the door. (If anyone is interested, don't forget you can reach me at Hopefully, we will soon have the website for the Perfect Benefit running. When it is finally running, you can access the site and information about the event by visiting

Check back soon for updates!

Friday, February 11, 2011

I must start off by saying I love the opportunities Elissa and Amanda offer me and Adrienne while interning for them. On Friday, they gave us the opportunity to plan a mock party to give us the experience of choosing decorations and planning out the details. Adrienne and I decided on the classic Las Vegas theme and came up with a slew of decorations we could have used if we were actually carrying out the party.

Between Friday and Monday, we spent the days specifying each detail of the "event" and even look through the back storage to see what we could use from the back, to cut back on the budget. We found a bunch of Vegas themed decorations, from cards to red and silver shred, and even little glass boxes which could be used for dice. I was introduced to a wonderful tool, the Cricut. This device is able to cut out various shapes, as long as you have the proper cartridge, making cutting out letters virtually effortless and flawless. After looking at everything we had, Adrienne and I began brainstorming what we could create.

At the end everything, we came up with the idea of creating red and white dice of different sizes and stacking them for the main decoration. We also found these large cards in the back that we thought would look great coming out of the top of the dice towers. To give the dice a little more Vegas feel, we thought it would be a good idea to have a few big poker chips on the tower. For the center pieces, we thought doing little black and red dice with small cards coming out the top, filled with dice, would be a nice continuation for the Vegas theme. Finally, just for decorations around the room, we thought sticking the larger cards out of big red tins we found in the back, covered in red or silver shred would be great.

Amanda and Elissa both loved our ideas and thought we were on the right track when planning decorations. Maybe, if someone comes in for asking for a Vegas themed party, Adrienne and I have given Perfect Productions a great head start on the decorations!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

I'm so excited to announce the 2nd Annual Bachelor and Bachelorette Auction is well underway. On Monday, I was finally able to meet and start planning with the other intern, Adrienne. After a short while of getting aquainted with one another, we started to organize our check list and deligate the numerous tasks. Doing so, worked out great for us. We both know what we are good at and were able to select tasks that highlighted our skills. By the end of the day, we were able to set up a facebook event page, get the final drafts of all the contracts and letters approved, get the website ready for final review, and start to brain storm what we wanted for not only food and decorations, but how we were going to go about finding sponsors and bachelors and bachelorettes.
Adrienne and I were also able to sit down with Amanda and Elissa for a bit to go over the budget. They explained to us the different aspects of building a budget and even showed us last year's budget to give us a better idea. I really can't express how appreciative I am to have Amanda and Elissa there to guide us. While all this was going on, they made sure we understood what they were explaining and gave us helpful tips for things such as food selection, possible decor choices, and even ways to keep the budget managable.
By the time the day was over, I was thrilled with the progress Adrienne and I had. As of now, we are planning on creating a program which includes bio's on all the bachelors and bacheloretts. In order to accomplish this, Adrienne and I must stay on track and start looking for people as soon as possible. I was so glad we were able to get the more technical things out of the way so we can really start to plan the specifics for the event.
By the end of Friday, we will hopefully have a solid list of sponsors to contact, a start list for bachelors and bacheloretts to contact, a rough idea of what food we will be serving at the auction, as well as a rough time line for us to accomplish each task by. I'm thrilled to be working with Adrienne and hope the rest of this planning proves to be as smooth and efficient as our first day together!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Here we are day One!!

Well here I am starting day one of my 3 month internship with Perfect Productions. I always knew I wanted to be involved with events such as parties, weddings, corporate events and charity events. Last fall I started looking into Event companies in the CT area. While doing my research I came across Perfect Productions. I thought this would be such an awesome opportunity for me. I emailed Elissa and a week later I met with her and Amanda and knew I would be able to learn so much from both of them. So here I am!!! I am currently a Senior at Central Connecticut State University and I am studying Hospitality and Tourism Studies and if all goes as planned I will have my BS Degree in Dec 2011. I also currently have an AS Degree in Hotel Management from Johnson and Wales.
My first day of course was filled with a lot of user names and passwords to be established so that Jackie (my intern partner) and I can get started working on the 2nd Annual Bachelor/ Bachelorette Auction to raise money for The Petit Family Foundation. Jackie had started the week before me and she is off to a great start with all the information that we need to get collected. I'm glad that I am going to be working with her! By the end of the day Jackie and I decided what we want to get accomplished this week, we need to do food budgets for the event, get some great sponsors and get started on ticket sales as well as finding our auction bachelors and bachelorettes. So if anyone is interested let me know.... or let Jackie know....
Hopefully by Friday we can get a good jump on going after our sponsors and trying to work out a budget. As long as this crazy weather holds off I will be back to the grind on Friday. I can't wait!!