Elissa gave me a exercise to do one day in the office. It was; if I was an event planner and stuck on a deserted island and all I had with me was my tool box, what would I put in it and why.

After making the list of items there were a few questions she wanted me to answer. Why am I completing this exercise, what did I learn from it and How would I apply this exercise into my work as an Event Planner?
My answer to the first question was that I was doing to the excercise to test my knowledge on how to pack for all events and what is necessary to bring incase anything goes wrong, I will be prepared for all situations to my best ability.
The second question of what did I learn, I said that I learned that there are many items that you need to have on your packing list as an event planner,you must think of all situtaions that can go wrong and prepare for them before hand.
And lastly how will I apply this to my work as an Event planner. I said in the future I will use this exercise to help me pack for my events and be ready for any situtaion that may occur. It may seem silly to have a few of the items on me at all time but it is smart to be prepared for anything.